For isotropic material plastic yielding depends upon magnitude of the principle stress not on the direction.
Tresca and Von Mises yield criteria are the yield model which is widely used.
The Tresca yield criterion stated that yielding will occur in a material only when the greatest maximum shear stress reaches a critical value.
max{|σ₁ - σ₂|,|σ₂ - σ₃|,|σ₃ - σ₁|} = σ_f
under plane stress condition
|σ₁ - σ₂| = σ_f
The Von mises yielding criteria stated that the yielding will occur when elastic energy of distortion reaches critical value.
σ₁² - σ₁ σ₂ + σ₂² = σ²_f
Option A
Alloys are metal compounds with two or more metals or non metals to create new compounds that exhibit superior structural properties. Alloys have high level of hardness that resists deformation thereby making it less ductile compared to polymers. This is due to the varying difference in the chemical and physical characteristics of the constituent metals in the alloy.
Magnitude of velocity=10.67 m/s
Magnitude of acceleration=24.62 ft/
The solution of the problem is given in the attachments