1. Density from mass and volume

2. Volume from density and mass

3. Mass from density and volume

4. Density by displacement
Volume of water + object = 24.6 mL
Volume of water =<u> 12.8 mL</u>
Volume of object = 11.8 mL

Your drawing showing water displacement using a graduated cylinder should resemble the figure below.
The greater the friction, or rubbing, between particles in any fluid, the higher the viscosity. A fluid with a high viscosity has a large amount of internal friction. As the temperature of a gas increases, friction increases, and so the viscosity of the gas increases. The warmer the gas, the slower it flows.
The sugar that occurs in nucleotides tends to be a 5 carbon sugar called ribose or deoxyribose and tends to be represented by a pentagon of 5 carbons joined to oxygen and OH to form part of the helix forming nucleic acids. The nucleotides are what constitutes the DNA and RNA which control genetic characteristics.
Electrical energy or the answer C
Force= mass•acceleration
Force=4000 N