a) -54.42 eV
b) C VI (C +++++)
I imagine that the formula given in class is the energy of the hydorgen like atoms, which is:

Where all are physical constants, such as vacuum permitivity ε0, planck's constant (reduced) h bar, electron's charge e, the atomic number Z, and the reduced mass μ.
The reduced mass is given by the formula:

In general the electron's mass is much smaller than the nucleous mass therefore the reduced mass is almost equal to the electron's mass.
If we replace all these constants the energy will become:

For He --> Z = 2, therefore:

And the ground state is given when n=1
E = -54.42 eV
This formula applies only to hydorgen like atoms, that is whit only one electron, therefore if an element were to have Z electrons, the formula will only apply to that element ionized Z-1 times.
For C Z=6
We could only calculate the quantum energy levels with the given formula for C VI (C +++++)