Hypothesis is one of the science methods. Hypothesis is the same as guessing. It's a scientific method that precedes observations.
According to the question asking that Which of the following is a hypothesis ?
The correct option is C which is
If a squid is attacked by a predator, it will squirt ink
It is an hypothesis because there is no experimental evidence to back it up.
Is this practically possible? How can a 100kg man fly? Hahaha
an ore is a naturally occurring solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be profitably extracted.
Well, assuming that the world would break if we didnt have inertia, in baseball, when you tried to catch a ball you would probably go flying backwards until other things stopped you (friction etc). you also probably wouldnt be able to run without the earth going all out of its path around the earth. every step you would take would push the earth because there is no inertia to keep the earth at one point