Percentage decrease ( from $4.09 to $3.59) is 0.1% ( Rounded to nearest tenth)
Percentage increase (from $3.59 to 4.09) is 0.1% ( Rounded to nearest tenth)
Percentages are not same for the both price changes. As we can see from the calculations percentage change from $3.59 to $4.09 is higher.
Step-by-step explanation:
$4.09 has been changed to $3.59.
Percent change = [(Value after - Value before) / Value before]*100
% ( Rounded to nearest tenth)
Percentage decrease is 0.1% ( Rounded to nearest tenth)
Now lets calculate the percentage change from $3.59 to $4.09.
Percent change = [(Value after - Value before) / Value before]*100
% ( Rounded to nearest tenth)
Percentage increase is 0.1% ( Rounded to nearest tenth)
Percentages are not same for the both price changes. As we can see from the calculations percentage change from $3.59 to $4.09 is higher.