In Pre-AP Chemistry, the development of models to explain their macroscopic observations is a primary means through which students develop an understanding of the molecular world.
You will be forced to think and apply concepts to new situations, and even derive your own theories from application. This is excellent preparation for the higher levels of thinking required in college.
Chemistry, the science that deals with the properties, composition, and structure of substances (defined as elements and compounds), the transformations they undergo, and the energy that is released or absorbed during these processes.
This iron oxide mineral commonly has a reddish color and consistently has red streaks. this streaks is hematite.
To answer your question use the code ICE on here to get your answer works every time for me hope this helps
Ok then! So mitosis is when a cell splits and doesn't lose/gain any chromosomes. In meiosis the chromosomes join and split evenly at the cell's "poles". Chromosomes will be lost evenly through this process.