A solid-state device can be defined as a crystalline material that is typically made up of semiconductor and as such controls the number and rate of flow of charged carriers such as holes or electrons.
Some examples of a solid-state device are light emitting diodes (LED), integrated circuit (IC), Transistors, liquid crystal display (LCD) etc.
A solid-state device such as a transistor, refers to a semiconductor component that is used to control the flow of voltage or current and as a gate (switch) for electronic signals. Thus, a transistor allows for the amplification, control and generation of electronic signals in a circuit.
Hence, solid-state devices need constant power to operate. The timing functions are initiated by the presence or absence of a separate "trigger" signal.
Basically, these solid-state devices use the optical and electrical properties of semiconductor components such as transistors, triacs, thyristors, diodes to perform its input-output switching and isolation functions.
4. Grass - Caterpillar - Hedgehog - Fox
5. Caterpillar, Rabbit, Mouse.
6. Cougar and Fox.
7. Bacteria
8. The bird, hedgehog, Fox and cougar would be effected since the Hedgehogs and birds would soon die out due to the loss of their food. Once they die out, the cougar and Fox would have no predators left to eat.
Answer: Potassium iodide
Explanation: their you go
Temperature decreases because the number of collision of the molecules decreases as they escape or evaporate. Molecules are in constant motion. Increase in temperature leads to increase in average kinetic energy of the molecules.
im not gonna write a research paper but this is the really easy way write global warming talk about animals the polar ice caps and water levels then for what causes it burning fossil fuels and energy plants. then finish off with its awful and we should use solar or geothermic or wind or when the time comes fusion not fission fusion makes helium from hydrogen then burylliam from helium then oxygen and silicon so on so forth instead of fissions uranium,plutonium and thorium and with radioactive waste