A blackbody, or Planckian radiator, is a cavity within a heated material from which heat cannot escape. No matter what the material, the walls of the cavity exhibit a characteristic spectral emission, which is a function of its temperature.
Emission from a blackbody is temperature dependent and at high temperature, a blackbody will emit a spectrum of photon energies that span the visible range, and therefore it will appear white. The Sun is an example of a high-temperature blackbody.
Your answer to this problem is 400/3
Hope this helps!
The momentum of the
x-ray photon is p = h/lambda . Lambda is the wavelength (0.30nm=3x10^(-9)m) and
h is Planck's constant,(h=6.62607004 × 10-34<span> m2 kg / s).The
momentum is: 2.2 x 10^(-25).</span>
The momentum can be calculated
also as: p=mv, where m is the mass of the electron and v is the speed.
So v=p/m,p is known,and
also the mass of the electron (m=9.10938356 × 10-31<span> kilograms).</span>
v=2.2 x 10^(-25)/9.10938356
× 10-31<span> kilograms=0.24 x 10^6 m/s</span>