Almost the entire system of an embryo is made of cartilage, whereas that of an adult is mostly made of bones.
because it can change in an instant
ATP is the chemical substance that is used to power the cellular activities
The right answer is Watson and Crick.
The famous science journal "Nature" published an article of two pages, accompanied by one figure, titled "A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid". Its authors are James Dewey Watson (24) and Francis Crick (36).
They synthesized the work of their scientific colleagues and were able to explain with a remarkable art of deduction how the DNA molecule contained in the cells of all living beings was duplicated.
A Eukaryotic cell contains a nucleus; more than one chromosome and is typically a multi-celled organism. Both plant and animal cells are eukaryotic cells. A Prokaryotic cell does not contain a nucleus. It only contains one
chromosome and is a single-celled organism. It was the only form of life
on earth for millions of years. Examples of a Prokaryotic cell are the
different types of bacteria present today.