D sublevel because the s sublevel has one orbital, the p sublevel has three orbitals, the d sublevel has five orbitals, and the f sublevel has seven orbitals. In the first period, only the 1s sublevel is being filled.
The zeros before a non zero digit do not count as significant figures so there are 4 sig figs in the number
b.) Br and Br
A covalent bond occurs when electrons are shared between two atoms causing them to form a bond.
A "pure" covalent bond refers to a nonpolar covalent bond. In these bonds, the electrons are shared equally between two atoms as a result of the absence of an (or very small) electronegativity difference. The purest covalent bond would therefore be between two atoms of the same electronegativity. Two bromines (Br) have the same electronegativity, thus making it the purest covalent bond.
Polar covalent bonds occur when electrons are shared unequally between two atoms. There is a larger electronegativity difference between the two atoms, but not large enough to classify the bonds as ionic. In this case, a.) and c.) are polar covalent bonds and d.) is an ionic bond.
The percentage error is the error of the measured value to the true value. To find he percent error, the equation is as follows:
Percent error = |Measured Value - True Value|/True Value * 100
The || is needed to get the absolute value of the difference. Substituting the values,
Percent error = |(10.085 g/10 mL) - 0.9975 g/mL|/<span>0.9975 g/mL * 100
</span><em>Percent error = 1.1% </em>
<span><span>There is no formula. The speed of light is a fundamental constant which appears in other formulas but there’s no formula to compute the numerical value.Well, actually, that’s not quite right. The numerical value in meters per second is known exactly, because we use the speed of light to define the meter. It is: <span><span><span>c=299,792,458 m/s</span><span>c=299,792,458 m/s</span></span>
</span>. Exactly. But the thing is — this value is purely an artifact of our unit system. Other unit systems will give other values, so the number value is entirely arbitrary.</span></span>