Solid and liquids are much more denser than gas because their molecules are close to each other and with that the molecules of them can't move that freely unlike the gas molecules. Also, because of being near to each other the molecules of solid and liquids became heavy making them dense.
Interesting creature.
These creatures are the only survivors from an era long past, where nothing else has survived. They are eels capable of discharging a large electrical current. A pack of them (they can hunt in groups) can kill just about anything.
Tribes use and tame them to guard the tribe's tame Electrophorus. They are bread and maintained in schools. While the charge is huge, once discharged, these creatures take a very long time to recharge, so they are not entirely invincible.
1160 ohm
We are given that
R'=580 ohm
Current=3 I
We have to find the resistance of the circuit.
Let R be the resistance of circuit.
In parallel

Using the formula

In parallel combination,Potential difference across each resistance remains same.

Using the formula

The speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second in vacuum,
somewhat less in any material. How much less depends on the material.