Dissociation- disconnection and lack of continuity between thoughts, memories, surroundings, actions, and identity.
Ionization- the process by which an atom or a molecule acquires a negative or positive charge by gaining or losing electrons, often in conjunction with other chemical changes.
Since the roundabout is rotating with uniform velocity ,
input power = frictional power
frictional power = 2.5 kW
frictional torque x angular velocity = 2.5 kW
frictional torque x .47 = 2.5 kW
frictional torque = 2.5 / .47 kN .m
= 5.32 kN . m
= 5 kN.m
b )
When power is switched off , it will decelerate because of frictional torque .

For sound waves we have v=d/t where v is the speed of sound and d the distance between the astronauts, while for electromagnetic waves we have c=D/t where c is the speed of light and D the distance between the spaceship and Earth. <em>We have written both times as the same</em> because is what is imposed by the problem, so we have t=d/v=D/c, which means:

And for our values:

it is 2.2 m
because he goes back 2.2 m so 4.4 minus 2.2 equals 2.2
A real emf device has an internal resistance, but an ideal emf device does not.