Continental drift theory describes the long term effect of plate tectonics.
The long term result of plate tectonic movement is the continental drift. The continents of Earth lay on tectonic plates, that are in motion and interaction via plate tectonics. The drift of the Earths continent is an ongoing process evident in the rift valleys and seafloor spreading zones.
The theory that the Earth's continents are dynamic and have drifted relative to each other is known as continental drift which correlates with the theory of plate tectonics.
Every year, the Earth's outer shell plates are displaced by a small amount due to the heat coming from the Earths interior via convection currents.
<h2>Answer: Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
The Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville, were pioneers of aviation, since they flew in a device heavier than air, which was inconceivable at that time.
Their first successful flight was on December 17th, 1903 in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, which lasted only 12 seconds in which their plane (the Flyer I, with 341 kg, 6.4 m long and a wingspan of 12.3 m) traveled 37 m without touching the ground. This was achieved through the help of an external catapult that "threw" them into the air.
It should be noted that the Wright brothers only studied until high school, however, their passion for solving the problem of the human inability to fly, their perseverance and experience acquired over the years in their bicycle company, led them to reach that goal. An achievement that marked the beginning of the aviation era.