This problem is solved using Matlab, code along with step-by-step explanation and output results are provided below.
Matlab Code with Explanation:
% load the .txt file named data in which data is stored and store the data in a variable D
% the 2nd column of data contains speed of the wind turbine so store it in a variable named speed
% the first 4 data points are for 5 feet blade diameter so extract and store them in variable speed_5
% from the 5th data point to the end of vector contains data for 10 feet blade diameter so extract and store them in variable speed_10.
% the 3rd column of data contains generated electricity of the wind turbine so store it in a variable named kwh
% the first 4 data points are for 5 feet blade diameter so extract and store them in variable kwh_5
% from the 5th data point to the end of vector contains data for 10 feet blade diameter so extract and store them in variable kwh_10.
% Plot the speed _5 on x-axis and corresponding kwh_5 on y-axis
% hold on means we want to plot another curve in the same graph so wait
hold on
% Plot the speed _10 on x-axis and corresponding kwh_10 on y-axis
% legend command provides visual aid to distinguish between the two curves
legend('5 feet blade','10 feet blade')
% set the title of the graph, x-axis and y-axis labels
title('Generated Electricty Vs Wind speed')
xlabel('Wind speed (mph)')
ylabel('Generated Electricity (kWh)')
As you can see in the attached graph, 2 curves are being plotted one for 5 feet blade diameter and 2nd for 10 feet blade diameter of the wind turbine.
The generated electricity corresponding to 10 feet blade diameter is way more than the 5 feet blade diameter.