The correct answer is <u>false</u>.
Further explanation:
In communication between a sender and a receiver a variety of external factors distort messages and thereby increasing inhibiting comprehension and mutual understanding. Communication can be distorted by external factors like noise, time and distance, environment and climate.
There are various physical or external factors which are responsible in communication distortion or breakdown. External factors like environment and climatic conditions act as a barrier in communication. There are other factors also which hinder communications between sender and receiver in sending message to the receiver.
Time and distance are also responsible in ineffective communication. For example, if a message is not sent on appropriate time then it will not have the impact as it should have on the receiver. So the time of message should be appropriate.
Physical noises hinder all kind of communication whether it is face to face or written because it distracts individual and due to which he fails to pay proper attention.
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Answer details:
Grade: High School
Subject: Social Studies
Topic: Barriers to Communication
Keywords: communication, sender, receiver, time, distance, environment, climate, attention, noise