Answer: that would make me a happier person bc i will have everything that i've always wanted, that is if its absolutely everything without leaving anything out, and of course if the stuff are things that make for a happier environment and not affect others.
In my opinion I think it would make someone very depressed. As human's we think with a mindset of the now instead of the future; we think about things that make us happy at the moment. However, also being human means that we change our mind very easily- as a child you probably saw a toy that you thought would be cool and begged your parents to get it for you, once you got the toy you'd play with it for a little but pretty soon you'd be bored with it. The same can be said with getting everything you wished for, you'd get something enjoy it for a while then get bored and want something else. Also just getting everything that you want without having to work and put anything behind it can be very threatening to a person, it makes them unmotivated to do anything and gives off a sense of "well if I get whatever I want, I don't have to do anything!" and this and effect not just them but those around them. While it might seem that it would be great to have whatever you wanted I don't think it would be the best thing morally or logically. I think earning something that you wish for is much better than just getting it; so yes you'd be a very depressed person, maybe not at first but eventually you will.
For one teens get addicted mostly through peer-pressure and two the brain becomes confused with whats wrong and whats right once you start and can't quit.