when using a jack it lifts up the car for you, giving you the ability to remove and replace a tire without the weight of the car on the tire.
Heya it seems you’ve made a mistake in one of your plausible answers.. as for me l got 0.64M so l am thinking the option a will be in a decimal form
Since it's Li+1, that means it's a Lithium ion, not just the element itself. The +1 charge means it loses an electron. The dot structure would be Lithium, and however many valence electrons it has minus 1
A standardized test of what you want to do with your friends and you get to know what you think you want to be tre

Based on the acting force that is applied horizontally, one can propose the following equation based on Newton's laws:

Nevertheless, since we've got a angled force, it becomes:

In this case,
accounts for the formed angle, so the horizontal acceleration turns out into:

Best regads.