. Underclothes; Bedding; Dirty laundry; Fingernail scrapings; Cups/bottles ... A cigarette butt found at a crime scene may contain valuable DNA material in the dried ... DNA evidence from both the victim's blood and the perpetrator's skin cells may ... DNA testing must be conducted in a laboratory with dedicated facilities and ...
Does not assosicate with Light
fraction equation is<span>
F =µR
F=friction,µ=coefficient , R=reaction = mg
use same equation for b part, but the reaction is no longer mg because the plain is now inclined. Draw a forces diagram and you will see that the reaction force can be calculated from the weight of the object and inclination of the plain using trigonometry.</span>
The Paleozoic era spanned from the Cambrian to the Permian and ended with a mass extinction at the end of the Permian. Geologists are still unsure of the cause but the theories include a meteorite impact or a massive volcanic event in Siberia or a combination of both. This could be a possible cause of the melting of the late Paleozoic ice sheets.