Air is a mixture.
Air is a homogeneous mixture. It is made up of gaseous substances such as nitrogen, oxygen, and smaller amounts of others.
Carbon dioxide is a pure substance, not a mixture.
Carbon is another pure substance, it cannot be separated into other substances.
Oxygen is just oxygen, it does not contain any other substance.
A fluids is any substance that flows. Air is made of stuff, air particles, that are loosely held together in a gas form. Although liquids are the most commonly recognized fluids, gasses are also fluids. Since air is a gas, it flows and takes the form of its container.
This is a "trick" question.
If the elevator is traveling at constant speed, it means it is at rest. This means anything inside the elevator traveling at constant speed, weights the same as in an elevator not moving -also at rest-.
So the 100N weight's weight doesn't change in an elevator traveling at constant speed.