If you're looking for "what rocks are formed by changes..." it's Igneous Rocks.
I wouldn't say that a scientific theory is wrong.
It is the best we have at the time, based on all available knowledge .
As each new discovery is made, scientists modify the theory to fit the new knowledge.
The scientific method is a never-ending process.
The law of conservation of mass states that matter can not be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction.
People who work with radioactive materials often wear a film badge to reveal how much radiation they have been exposed to. The film badge dosimeter or the film badge is a dosimeter worn by these people working with materials that are radioactive for the purpose of monitoring cumulative radiation dose due to ionizing radiation. The badge has two parts; the photographic film, and a holder.
the four main spheres of the earth are geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere
geosphere consists of all rocks on Earth
atmosphere which are the gases that surrounds the earth
hydrosphere which is all the water on the earth
biosphere which are the living things on the earth