3.01 x 10 to the power of 6
Step 1
To find a, take the number and move a decimal place to the right one position.
Original Number: 3,010,000
New Number: 3.010000
Step 2
Now, to find b, count how many places to the right of the decimal.
To familiarize students with experimental apparatus, the scientific method, and methods of data analysis so that they will have some idea of the inductive process by which the ideas were originated. To teach how to make careful experimental observations and how to think about and draw conclusions from such data.
Because that's where they come from. Coal, oil, and natural gas are the products
of dead dinosaurs rotting in the ground under great pressure for millions of years.
a) decrease, gas
b) increase, gas
c) liquid
d) increase, solid
Entropy refers to the degree of disorderliness of a system. If the number of moles of gas increases from left to right in a reaction, the entropy of the system increases positively.
Similarly, when the number of liquid molecules remain constant, there could only be a very little increase in entropy.
However, solids have the least entropy and the entropy of a system decreases when a system yields solid products.