- increasing use of hybrid crops
- altering genes in DNA to create new plants
- developing disease or pest resistant crops
The use of genetic factors to influence the growth of a plant encompasses manipulating the genetic constituent (gene) of such plant.
For example,
- Increasing use of hybrid crops entails mating two pure bred plants based on a gene of interest responsible for a particular trait, to form a hybrid.
- Altering genes in DNA to create new plants is also a genetic factor as it has to with gene modification.
- developing disease or pest resistant crops means that the genetic make up of such plant has been modified to be resistant to pest/disease.
Scientists have studied eclipses since ancient times. Aristotle observed that the Earth's shadow has a circular shape as it moves across the moon. He posited that this must mean the Earth was round. Another Greek astronomer named Aristarchus used a lunar eclipse to estimate the distance of the Moon and Sun from Earth
That's unaccelerated motion,
and constant velocity.
- Finding large moons comparable in size to their planets result from impacts of two astro-bodies. The probability of such an event occurring is very rare.
- Even at the best luck, one moon can be made from the result of giant impact. While the probability of 6 planets having moons of comparable sizes is close to impossible.