I gochu
Abuse is a problem for society in many ways. Obviously, there are different types of abuse, I'll stick with physical and verbal.
What to write:
Abuse can be a huge problem for society in many different ways. As one might know, physical abuse can lead to hospitalization, while verbal abuse can lead to low self-confidence and depression. this can effect the families and friends of the victims by the victims deciding to stray away from others. They may be scared of what the family member or friend might think, or what they might do. Often, abusive relationships happen when someone is in love, so the victim might still be in love with the abuser.
Listen to your boss
If your boss tells you to watch out then do it. Your boss is like your "guardian" at your job. Chemicals are dangerous. Its your job to listen and take your bosses advice at your job.
I hope this is what you needed and I hope this helped! :)
So there bones can get stronger
Intelligence refers to intellectual functioning. Intelligence quotients, or IQ tests, compare your performance with other people your age who take the same test. These tests don’t measure all kinds of intelligence, however. For example, such tests can’t identify differences in social intelligence, the expertise people bring to their interactions with others. There are also generational differences in the population as a whole. Better nutrition, more education and other factors have resulted in IQ improvements for each generation.