The function of mordant in the gram staining is to expose grams positive cell to the decolorizer which dissolves the lipids in the cell wall thus allowing the crystals violent-iodine to leach out of the cell. This facilitate the cell subsequently be stained by with safranin.
People who work with radioactive materials often wear a film badge to reveal how much radiation they have been exposed to. The film badge dosimeter or the film badge is a dosimeter worn by these people working with materials that are radioactive for the purpose of monitoring cumulative radiation dose due to ionizing radiation. The badge has two parts; the photographic film, and a holder.
Chemical energy is stored in the bonds that hold the molecule together. ADP can be recycled into ATP when more energy becomes available. The energy to make ATP comes from glucose. Cells convert glucose to ATP in a process called cellular respiration.
Bohr suggested, that there are definitive shells of particular energy and angular momentum in which an electron can revolve. It was not in Rutherford's model