your answer should be “C”.
6) False
7) True
8) False
9) False
10) False
11) True
12) True
13) True
14) True
The spacing between two energy levels in an atom shows the energy difference between them. Clearly, B has a greater value of ∆E compared to A. This implies that the wavelength emitted by B is greater than A while B will emit fewer, more energetic photons.
When atoms jump from lower to higher energy levels, photons are absorbed. The kinetic energy of the incident photon determines the frequency, wavelength and colour of light emitted by the atom.
The energy level to which an atom is excited is determined by the kinetic energy of the incident electron. As the voltage increases, the kinetic energy of the electron increases, the further the atom is from the source of free electrons, the greater the required kinetic energy of free electron. When electrons are excited to higher energy levels, they must return to ground state.
The first law, also called the law of inertia, was pioneered by Galileo. This was quite a conceptual leap because it was not possible in Galileo's time to observe a moving object without at least some frictional forces dragging against the motion. In fact, for over a thousand years before Galileo, educated individuals believed Aristotle's formulation that, wherever there is motion, there is an external force producing that motion.
The second law, $ f(t)=m\,a(t)$ , actually implies the first law, since when $ f(t)=0$ (no applied force), the acceleration $ a(t)$ is zero, implying a constant velocity $ v(t)$ . (The velocity is simply the integral with respect to time of $ a(t)={\dot v}(t)$ .)
Newton's third law implies conservation of momentum [138]. It can also be seen as following from the second law: When one object ``pushes'' a second object at some (massless) point of contact using an applied force, there must be an equal and opposite force from the second object that cancels the applied force. Otherwise, there would be a nonzero net force on a massless point which, by the second law, would accelerate the point of contact by an infinite amount.