Answer: B, a fusion recrion creates waste material that is easier to store than fission.
Fusion produces far less harmful waste than fission does. The reliance of something independent like whether a reaction will stop on its own when something goes wrong is never indefinite (technological failures are unpredictable and destructive a lot of the time when it comes down to nuclear power).
Fácil, vas a la tabla periódica, y el número de protones, será el numero atómico, es decir, el que determina qué elemento es. Y para obtener el de electrones, deberás, restarle al numero másico el numero atómico, que es el número de protones y electrones en el elemento.
Opcion D
Una desintegración beta es de a forma:
You can find this in opcion D
I hope I will help you : )
Answer: option E. None because in all the reactions O2 is in excess
Adding fertilizer to stimulate the aquatic plant growth, and putting research and money into renewable energy