Rapidez media es igual al cociente entre la distancia recorrida y el tiempo que se tarda en recorrer esa distancia.
En este caso la distancia recorrida es 400m, y el tiempo que se tarda es 30s, entonces la rapidez media va a ser:
RM = 400m/30s = 13.33 m/s
La velocidad media por otro lado, es igual al cociente entre el desplazamiento y el tiempo necesario para desplazarse.
El desplazamiento es igual a la distancia entre la posición final y la posición inicial, que en este caso eso 40m, y el tiempo necesario sigue siendo 30s, entonces la velocidad media va a ser:
VM = 40m/30s = 1.33 m/s
If the object's <em>velocity is constant</em> ... (it's speed isn't changing AND it's moving in a straight line) ... then the net force on the object is zero.<em> (D)</em>
Either there are no forces at all acting on the object, OR there are forces on it but they're 'balanced' ... when you add up all of their sizes and directions, they just exactly cancel each other out, and they have the SAME EFFECT on the object as if there were no forces at all.
Decay of Schizomycetes waste present in waste water leads to unpleasant smell.
These microorganisms, known as iron and sulfur bacteria, cause hydrogen sulfide to be found in water supplies. They include crenothrix and beggiatoa. Most often found in groundwater supplies, they produce an offensive odor of decaying matter. (I'm not sure)
Physical Change
characteristic is the chemical bonds in the substance are unchanged. Because
a physical change is any change happens in an object but without involving
a change in its chemical substance. Example, Solid to liquid change or
also known as melting, liquid to gas change also known as evaporation, gas
to solid change also known as deposition, liquid to solid or
solidification, solid to gas or sublimation, and gas to liquid or
condensation. The physical form of a substance is change into a new form
but the chemical is unchanged.