Rocky,hot,magma,underground and much more
Nacl is the answer hahahahaah ha
The energy carried by one photon is directly proportional to its
frequency. So the photon energy is greatest for the electromagnetic
waves with the highest frequency / shortest wavelengths.
That's why when you get past visible light and on up through ultraviolet,
X-rays, and gamma rays, the radiation becomes dangerous ==> each
photon carries enough energy to tear electrons away from their atoms,
ripping molecules apart and damaging cells.
The photon with the highest energy is a gamma-ray photon.
The angle between 2 o'clock and 12 o'clock is referred to as the angle of twist. The angle between the planes of maximum shear which is bisected by the axis of greatest compression is angle of shear.
Answer: 200m/min
Divide 10000m by 160m/min, you will get the answer 62.5. You then subtract 12.5 from 62.5 to understand what you will need your answer for the other person’s speed will be. 10000m divided by 50min is 200m/min.