Artefacts can influence our actions in several ways. They can be instruments, enabling and facilitating actions, where their presence affects the number and quality of the options for action available to us. They can also influence our actions in a morally more salient way, where their presence changes the likelihood that we will actually perform certain actions. Both kinds of influences are closely related, yet accounts of how they work have been developed largely independently, within different conceptual frameworks and for different purposes. In this paper I account for both kinds of influences within a single framework. Specifically, I develop a descriptive account of how the presence of artefacts affects what we actually do, which is based on a framework commonly used for normative investigations into how the presence of artefacts affects what we can do. This account describes the influence of artefacts on what we actually do in terms of the way facts about those artefacts alter our reasons for action. In developing this account, I will build on Dancy’s (2000a) account of practical reasoning. I will compare my account with two alternatives, those of Latour and Verbeek, and show how my account suggests a specification of their respective key concepts of prescription and invitation. Furthermore, I argue that my account helps us in analysing why the presence of artefacts sometimes fails to influence our actions, contrary to designer expectations or intentions.
When it comes to affecting human actions, it seems artefacts can play two roles. In their first role they can enable or facilitate human actions. Here, the presence of artefacts changes the number and quality of the options for action available to us.Footnote1 For example, their presence makes it possible for us to do things that we would not otherwise be able to do, and thereby adopt new goals, or helps us to do things we would otherwise be able to do, but in more time, with greater effort, etc
Technological artifacts are in general characterized narrowly as material objects made by (human) agents as means to achieve practical ends. ... Unintended by-products of making (e.g. sawdust) or of experiments (e.g. false positives in medical diagnostic tests) are not artifacts for Hilpinen.
Properties of Carpenter's hammer possess
1.The head of a carpenter's hammer should possess the impact resistance, so that the chips do not peel off the striking face while working.
2.The hammer head should also be very hard, so that it does not deform while driving or eradicate any nails in wood.
3.Carpenter's hammer is used to impact smaller areas of an object.It can drive nails in the wood,can crush the rock and shape the metal.It is not suitable for heavy work.
How hammer head is manufactured :
1.Hammer head is produced by metal forging process.
2.In this process metal is heated and this molten metal is placed in the cavities said to be dies.
3.One die is fixed and another die is movable.Ram forces the two dies under the forces which gives the metal desired shape.
4.The third process is repeated for several times.
a) 244,140,625 different ways
b) 390,625 different ways
a) If there are 5 ways to place a chip on each location, and there are 12 locations overall, we have:
5^12 ways of placing them
This would mean a total of 244,140,625 different ways
b) If five chips are of the same type, we can first find how many ways we can place chips on the remaining 7 locations:
5^7 = 78,125
Next we can multiply this by the number of ways the next 5 chips could be the same:
78,125 * 5 = 390,625 different ways