Seafloor spreading is a geologic process in which tectonic plates—large slabs of Earth's lithosphere—split apart from each other. ... As tectonic plates slowly move away from each other, heat from the mantle's convection currents makes the crust more plastic and less dense
Voltage drop is a better measurement of resistance than testing static resistance because: current flow creates heat which adds to circuit resistance
The current flow or electric current is the measure of the electrons flow around a circuit. It is measured in amperes or "amps". If the current is higher the electrons flow is greater.
<h3>What is electricity?</h3>
Electricity or electrical energy is the energy that occurs due to the movement of electrons in the materials that are considered conductors.
Learn more about electricity at:

As in any sample you will have 75.8% of Cl-35 iosotopes and 24.3% of Cl-37 iosotopes you can get the average atomic mass as:

It's weird but technically correct to say that a radio wave can be considered a low-frequency light wave. Radio and light are both electromagnetic waves. The only difference is that radio waves have much much much longer wavelengths, and much much much lower frequencies, than light waves have. But they're both the same physical phenomenon.
However, a radio wave CAN'T also be considered to be a sound wave. These two things are as different as two waves can be.
-- Radio is an electromagnetic wave. Sound is a mechanical wave.
-- Radio waves travel more than 800 thousand times faster than sound waves do.
-- Radio waves are transverse waves. Sound waves are longitudinal waves.
-- Radio waves can travel through empty space. Sound waves need material stuff to travel through.
-- Radio waves can be detected by radio, TV, and microwave receivers. Sound waves can't.
-- Sound waves can be detected by our ears. Radio waves can't.
-- Sound waves can be generated by talking, or by hitting a frying pan with a spoon. Radio waves can't.
-- Radio waves can be generated by an alternating current flowing through an isolated wire. Sound waves can't.
T1 = 131.4 [N]
T2 = 261 [N]
To solve this problem we must make a sketch of how will be the semicircle, for this reason we conducted an internet search, to find the scheme of the problem. This scheme is attached in the first image.
Then we make a free body diagram, with this free body diagram, we raise the forces that act on the body. Since it is a problem involving static equilibrium, the sum of forces in any direction and moments must be equal to zero.
By performing a sum of forces on the Y axis equal to zero we can find an equation that relates the forces of tension T1 & T2.
The second equation can be determined by summing moments equal to zero, around the point of application of the T1 force. In this way we find the T2 force.
The value of T2, is replaced in the first equation and we can find the value for T1.
T1 = 131.4 [N]
T2 = 261 [N]
The free body diagram and the developed equations can be seen in the second attached image.