1.cool down
2.activity log
3.specific warm up
4.activities of daily living
5.planned exercise
6.general warm up
C. A rubber rod and a glass rod charged this way have opposite charges on them.
When a rubber rod is rubbed against cat fur, it acquires a negative charge, it becomes negatively charged.
When you then try to bring two rubber rod's together, they repel because like charges repel.
Meanwhile, when you rub a glass rod against silk, it loses electrons to the silk material and becomes positively charged.
When you bring two positively charged glass rod's together, they repel, because like charges repel.
However, when you bring the rubber rod and a glass rod together, the attract each other because unlike/opposite charges attract.
a) 4.04*10^-12m
b) 0.0209nm
c) 0.253MeV
The formula for Compton's scattering is given by:

where h is the Planck's constant, m is the mass of the electron and c is the speed of light.
a) by replacing in the formula you obtain the Compton shift:

b) The change in photon energy is given by:

c) The electron Compton wavelength is 2.43 × 10-12 m. Hence you can use the Broglie's relation to compute the momentum of the electron and then the kinetic energy.

If the density of the object is high its molecular arrangement is compact while if the density is lows its molecular arrangement isnt that compact
No, one more group must get the same result as the other group. This will make it more reliable and reproducible.