Answer:) is related to the change in free energy of the reaction--d
For any reaction that is taking place at any moment the change in Gibbs Free Energy is related to the reaction quotient as
where R-Universal Gas Constant, T- Temperature in Kelvin, Q is the reaction quotient
Now when the system is in equilibrum, ΔG⁰ which is the standard Gibb's Free Energy,is then defined as
ΔG⁰=−RTlnK ,
where K is the equilibrium constant. because ΔG becomes 0 and reaction quotient Q = K
The equilibrum constant is related to the change in free energy of the reaction.
because when ΔG is negative, the value of K is high which leads to a spontaneous. reaction
when ΔG is positive, the value of K is low, which leads to a spontaneous. reaction in the opposite direction.