electromagnetic waves
Radiation is the transfer of heat energy through space. Most of them are sent through electromagnetic waves.
CN^- is a strong field ligand
The complex, hexacyanoferrate II is an Fe^2+ specie. Fe^2+ is a d^6 specie. It may exist as high spin (paramagnetic) or low spin (diamagnetic) depending on the ligand. The energy of the d-orbitals become nondegenerate upon approach of a ligand. The extent of separation of the two orbitals and the energy between them is defined as the magnitude of crystal field splitting (∆o).
Ligands that cause a large crystal field splitting such as CN^- are called strong field ligands. They lead to the formation of diamagnetic species. Strong field ligands occur towards the end of the spectrochemical series of ligands.
Hence the complex, Fe(CN)6 4− is diamagnetic because the cyanide ion is a strong field ligand that causes the six d-electrons present to pair up in a low spin arrangement.
The mass of any substance will remain the same regardless of its state of matter. Using water as an example, its volume increases when it is boiled to a gas or when it is frozen from a liquid state to the solid state ice. The volume and temperature will change as it moves through the states of matter, however the amount of individual molecules of oxygen and hydrogen that form water will remain the same and this constitute mass.
The Inclosure Acts, which use an old or formal spelling of the word now usually spelt "enclosure", cover enclosure of open fields and common land in England and Wales, creating legal property rights to land previously held in common.