I think that ball a hit the ground because it says that it went straight down.
The value is 
From the question we are told that
The relationship between the number of whooping cranes and the number of decades is 
The exponential relationship is
Now from the given equation we have that

So comparing this equation obtained an the given exponential relationship we have that

Decreases the input force
m = Massa balok
g = Percepatan gravitasi
= Sudut kemiringan
= Koefisien gesekan statik antara balok dan bidang miring
Gaya balok karena beratnya diberikan oleh

Gaya gesekan diberikan oleh

Kondisi dimana balok mulai bergerak adalah ketika gaya balok akibat beratnya sama dengan gaya gesek pada balok.

Koefisien gesekan statik antara balok dan bidang miring adalah 0.84.