Volume. Gases and liquids are typically measured in milliliters (mL) or cubic centimeters (cm^3) - both of which are equivalent (1 mL = 1 cm^3).
Enzymes catalyze the chemical reactions, they act upon the reaction substrates and speed up the reaction. Enzymes have active sites, the places where the reaction substrates interact with the enzyme bringing about the conversion of substrates to products. So, as the enzyme concentration increases the rate of reaction increases till a point where the rate is leveled off. The rate does not further increase, as the substrate might have become limiting at that point. All the available amount of substrate would have been associated with the active sites of the enzymes. So, at that point although there is enough catalyst, lack of substrate would limit the rate of reaction.
bohr descirbed the atomic structure and found that electrons travel in separate orbits around the nucleus. jj thomson created the plum pudding model.
The answer is acid rain
for study island your welcome :)