A. National Highway Safety Act
The National Highway Safety Act establishes general guidelines concerning licensing, vehicle registration and inspection, and traffic laws for state regulations. The act was made in 1966 to reduce the amount of death on the highway as a result of increase in deaths by 30% between 1960 and 1965
National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act regulates vehicle manufacturers by ensuring national safety standards and issuance recalls for defective vehicles
Uniform Traffic Control Devices Act defines shapes, colors and locations for road signs, traffic signals, and road markings
a) 0.684
b) 0.90
EO + W → EG
<u>a) calculate the conversion exiting the first reactor </u>
CAo = 16.1 / 2 mol/dm^3
Given that there are two stream one contains 16.1 mol/dm^3 while the other contains 0.9 wt% catalyst
Vo = 7.24 dm^3/s
Vm = 800 gal = 3028 dm^3
hence Im = Vin/ Vo = (3028 dm^3) / (7.24dm^3/s) = 418.232 secs = 6.97 mins
next determine the value of conversion exiting the reactor ( Xai ) using the relation below
KIm = ------ ( 1 )
make Xai subject of the relation
Xai = KIm / 1 + KIm --- ( 2 )
<em>where : K = 0.311 , Im = 6.97 ( input values into equation 2 )</em>
Xai = 0.684
<u>B) calculate the conversion exiting the second reactor</u>
CA1 = CA0 ( 1 - Xai )
therefore CA1 = 2.5438 mol/dm^3
Vo = 7.24 dm^3/s
To determine the value of the conversion exiting the second reactor ( Xa2 ) we will use the relation below
XA2 = ( Xai + Im K ) / ( Im K + 1 ) ----- ( 3 )
<em> where : Xai = 0.684 , Im = 6.97, and K = 0.311 ( input values into equation 3 )</em>
XA2 = 0.90
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Previous concepts
Angular momentum. If we consider a particle of mass m, with velocity v, moving under the influence of a force F. The angular momentum about point O is defined as the “moment” of the particle’s linear momentum, L, about O. And the correct formula is:
Applying Newton’s second law to the right hand side of the above equation, we have that r ×ma = r ×F =
MO, where MO is the moment of the force F about point O. The equation expressing the rate of change of angular momentum is this one:
MO = H˙ O
Principle of Angular Impulse and Momentum
The equation MO = H˙ O gives us the instantaneous relation between the moment and the time rate of change of angular momentum. Imagine now that the force considered acts on a particle between time t1 and time t2. The equation MO = H˙ O can then be integrated in time to obtain this:
Solution to the problem
For this case we can use the principle of angular impulse and momentum that states "The mass moment of inertia of a gear about its mass center is ".
If we analyze the staritning point we see that the initial velocity can be founded like this:
And if we look the figure attached we can use the point A as a reference to calculate the angular impulse and momentum equation, like this:
And if we integrate the left part and we simplify the right part we have
And if we solve for we got:
h = 287.1 m
the density of mercury \rho =13570 kg/m3
the atmospheric pressure at the top of the building is
the atmospheric pressure at bottom
we have also
1.18*9.81*h = (100.4 -97.08)*10^3
h = 287.1 m