The sound of one whale calling another whale underwater. is a longitudinal wave since the medium, in this case the body of water, is vibrating parallel to the direction of propagation of the wave.
A pulse sent down a stretched rope by snapping one end of it. ( transverse wave) because its oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of the wave or path of propagation
The vibrations in a guitar string
Longitudinal wave. Because its oscillations are parallel to the direction of the wave or path of propagation
The reason this is is because she the first sentence says that she believed that people would eat the mashed potatoes faster if they were brighter color.
Spaceship A moves at 0.800 in the positive – direction, while spaceship B moves in the opposite direction at 0.750 (both speeds are measured relative to Earth). What is the velocity {A,B} of spaceship A relative to spaceship B