B. The truck and mosquito exert the same size force on each other.
Newton's third law (law of action-reaction) states that
"When an object A exerts a force (action) on an object B, then object B exerts an equal and opposite force (reaction) on object A"
In this case, we can call
object A = the truck
object B = the mosquito
Thereforce according to Newton's third law, the force exerted by the truck on the mosquito is equal in magnitude to the force exerted by the mosquito on the truck (and in opposite direction).
The reason for which the mosquito will experience much more damage is the fact that the mosquito's mass is much smaller than the truck's mass, and since the acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass:

the mosquito will experience a much larger deceleration than the truck, therefore much more damage.
Deci, Centi, then Nano is the correct order from largest to smallest equal and opposite reaction