Anything semi-personal that would give your teacher a sense of your learning style and personal needs.
Your teacher is looking for something they should know about you in order to help you best. This also helps them get an idea of your personality, and learning style. I suggest keeping it semi-personal, especially if you have never worked with this teacher before, or are working with them for the rest of the year, because you might want to keep some things to yourself. I hope this helps!
I’m not a hundred percent sure, but off intuition I would say
Check the scene for hazardous conditions
Call EMS with information about the accident.
Check the vital signs of the patient
Administer first aid
Because they are aside from the nervous system, the most important systems in your body. Without these systems you would not be able to circulate nutrients, expel and transport wastes like CO2, And just about keep you alive. In healthcare, you come to know that without a heart beat or an airway, your patient will die.
I am an organ donor. I believe that if my body can make someone survive an illness (cancer/leukemia) or recover from a condition such as blindness or a missing limb, then It is my duty to allow for that to happen. When I die, my soul will go on but my body will just rot so why not let someone use up what they can. I am especially strong in my opinion when dealing with pediatric illnesses. If a child needs my lungs or my kidneys, they should take them and live a long life. After I pass, they are useless to me!