2.5 * 10^-3
The simplest solution is obtained if we assume that this is a two-dimensional steady flow, since in that case there are no dependencies upon the z coordinate or time t. Also, we will assume that there are no additional arbitrary purely x dependent functions f (x) in the velocity component v. The continuity equation for a two-dimensional in compressible flow states:
so that:
<em>δv/δy= -δu/δx</em>
Now, since u = Uy/δ, where δ = cx^1/2, we have that:
and we obtain:
The last equation can be integrated to obtain (while also using the condition of simplest solution - no z or t dependence, and no additional arbitrary functions of x):
which is exactly what we needed to demonstrate.
Also, using u = U*y/δ in the last equation we can obtain:
which obviously attains its maximum value for the which is y = δ (boundary-layer edge). So, finally:
=2.5 * 10^-3
Please refer to the figure.
The magnitude of the magnetic field can be found by Biot-Savart Law. We should divide the loop into four components. Each component has a similar solution but their directions are quite different.
The directions can be found by right-hand rule. Point your index finger into the direction of current, point your middle finger towards the target point (0,0,a). Your thumb will show you the direction of magnetic field.
It has been hypothesized, and some studies have supported the conjecture,
that certain species of insects and birds are able to sense the direction of external
magnetic fields.
I don't think there is any such notion where human beings are concerned.
It has no shape of its own but has a definite volume.
Gases have no shape but a definite volume