Some of the benefits are increased heart muscles, increase in blood flow, and reduced body fat
Sound vibrations travel in a wave pattern, and we call these vibrations sound waves. Sound waves move by vibrating objects and these objects vibrate other surrounding objects, carrying the sound along. ... Sound can move through the air, water, or solids, as long as there are particles to bounce off of.
In local galactic group the force of expansion of universe is overcome by the force of attraction due to gravity. Best example is our own galaxy milky way and another giant galaxy in our local group Andromeda. Andromeda having enormous gravity is pulling milky way towards itself, overcoming the force of expansion.
So, there are possibilities of collision despite the expansion of universe at a rapid pace. It is estimated that the milky way and Andromeda will collide each other after about 50 billion years from now.
Distance travelled in south direction= 1.5hr*0.75km/hr= 1.125km
Distance travlled in north direction= 0.90*2.5=2.25
Net displacement = 2.25-1.125= 1.125 to the north
The potential difference between the student and the tap causes electrons to transfer to the tap which is earthed.
Hope this helps my sis and others