You've made it very very very very difficult for us to "... use the data in the table ...", by simply not letting us see the table.
However, we're used to that kind of thing here at Brainly. You see, we have done so much with so little for so long that NOW, we can do nearly anything with almost nothing in virtually no time.
Hence and therefore, despite your best efforts to render this question impenetrable due to acute lack of data, I was able to walk a short distance down the hall, and consult with today's Astronomy expert. When I showed him the question, he chortled, and quoth: "ANYbody could answer this one if they HAVE the data in the table, but if you're really Brainly, you know jour stoff, and jou don need no stinkin table."
-- The "inner planets" are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.
-- The "outer planets" are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
-- Pluto used to be an 'outer' planet too, but now it's not even a planet. How the mighty have fallen !