1.5 it’s ethical In my opinion
Assuming her weight loss is going to happen through nutrition alone. This question can be answered if we make apparent a few points. One pound is equal to 3500kcals. Jackie needs to lose 15lbs in 3 months. Therefore, she really needs to lose 52,500kcals (15lbs x3500kcals). In 3 months this equates to a caloric deficit of approx 584kcals/day (52,500kcals divided by 90days). So in order to reach her target goals she’s needs to be in a caloric deficit of 584kcals a day for 3 months from her current caloric intake that permits the maintenance of her body weight.
Raw and ready-to-eat food, raw, unpackaged meat and poultry ect. cannot be offered for self-service. You can not let refills on used plats. Pathogens such as Norovirus can easily be transferred by reused plates and utensils.
Hope this helped -Paige
1. B-to protect children and staff from illness
2. C-monthly
The main purpose of a health policy is always to prevent or prevent illnesses mainly for children and then for staff people who are not less important since they will be those who are in contact with these children
A monthly health check is enough for a teacher to deal with diseases within the course. It is recommended due to the time it takes to perform the check and be able to perform it in a personalized way with each child.
Two tests you can do at home to test your cardiovascular fitness and respiratory systems are Lunges and Pushups.