You’re adding all the atoms together. So for C18H36O2, you would add 18+36+2 to get your product. If there isn’t a number by the element, that means there’s only one atom.
Moles= grams of compound/molar mass of compound ??
Covalent bond:
It is formed by the sharing of electron pair between bonded atoms.
The atom with larger electronegativity attract the electron pair more towards itself and becomes partial negative while the other atom becomes partial positive.
Non polar covalent bond:
It is the bond where both bonded atoms share the pair of electron equally.
For example:
Hydrogen gas (H₂) is non polar covalent compound because the electronegativity of both bonded atoms are same. No poles are created that's why this is non polar covalent compound.
Polar covalent bond:
It is the bond where both bonded atoms share the pair of electron unequally.
For example:
In water the electronegativity of oxygen is 3.44 and hydrogen is 2.2. That's why electron pair attracted more towards oxygen, thus oxygen becomes partial negative and hydrogen becomes partial positive and bond is polar.
It is an exothermic reaction
35.5450 will be rounded to 35.55
if the last digit is less than 5 then it will be ignored
when the dropping digit is 5 then the retaining digit will increse by a factor of 1
i hope this will help you