Antarctic Circle
The Tropic of Cancer, which is also referred to as the Northern Tropic, is the most northerly circle of latitude on Earth at which the Sun can be directly overhead. This occurs on the June solstice, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun to its maximum extent.
Tropic of Capricorn Is it Southern Hemisphere counterpart, marking the most southerly position at which the Sun can be directly overhead.
frequency is equal to number of oscillations or vibrations upon time
check picture
There are supposed to be numbers in these places:
" _____ of methane"
" ... pressure of exactly _____ "
" ... temperature of _____ "
I've seen a lot of questions with missing numbers before, but I think this is the first time I ever saw a question where even the number of significant digits to round the answer to is missing.
"Round your answer to _____ significant digits."
If I were to go from the United States to China in one second, that's a large distance in an incredibly short time. I'd say that's pretty fast.
If I were to go from my room to the door of my room in a year, then that would be unbearably slow.
Malleability is the <span>property characterized by the ability to bend.
Malleability is the quality of something that can be shaped into something else without breaking. It <span>is a physical property of metals that defines the ability to be hammered, pressed, or rolled into thin sheets without being broken.</span>