The hot glowing surfaces of stars emit energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. It is a good approximation to assume tha
t the emissivity eee is equal to 1 for these surfaces. Required:
a. Find the radius RRigel of the star Rigel, the bright blue star in the constellation Orion that radiates energy at a rate of 2.7 x 10^31 W and has a surface temperature of 11,000 K.
b. Find the radius RProcyonB of the star Procyon B, which radiates energy at a rate of 2.1 x 10^23 W and has a surface temperature of 10,000 K. Assume both stars are spherical. Use σ=5.67 x 10−8^ W/m^2*K^4 for the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.