To solve this there is this website that I found that helps
I am in middle school so I have no idea how to solve this
this website may help considering u are in high school and u
(hopefully mind u)
know how to solve this
so to get there u google
"whats impact speed"
and click on the first thing there the website is ehow
Not totally sure but i would say a normal? its not refraction or incidence if its perpendicular and i dont think its a mirror if its an imaginary line so yeah normal (normals are always perpendicular to their surface too i think so)
Answer: 81.619 kJ
Mass of roller coaster is 
It reaches the steepest hill with speed of 
Hill to bottom is 51 m long with inclination of 
Height of the hill is 
Conserving energy to get kinetic energy at bottom
Energy at top=Energy at bottom

wen I was in the car toing home from school after a bad day n si si I have crazzyyy