When the brakes are applied the in the typical double transverse wishbone front suspension, it "drives" the car ground due to the setting of the link-type system pivot points on the lower wishbone are have parallel alignment to the road
In order to minimize the car's reaction to the application of the brakes, the front and rear pivot are arranged with the lower wishbone's rear pivot made to be higher than the front pivot as such the inclined wishbone torque results in an opposing vertical force to the transferred extra weight from the back due to breaking.
Complete question is:
write the following decorators and apply them to a single function (applying multiple decorators to a single function):
1. The first decorator is called strong and has an inner function called wrapper. The purpose of this decorator is to add the html tags of <strong> and </strong> to the argument of the decorator. The return value of the wrapper should look like: return “<strong>” + func() + “</strong>”
2. The decorator will return the wrapper per usual.
3. The second decorator is called emphasis and has an inner function called wrapper. The purpose of this decorator is to add the html tags of <em> and </em> to the argument of the decorator similar to step 1. The return value of the wrapper should look like: return “<em>” + func() + “</em>.
4. Use the greetings() function in problem 1 as the decorated function that simply prints “Hello”.
5. Apply both decorators (by @ operator to greetings()).
6. Invoke the greetings() function and capture the result.
Code :
def strong_decorator(func):
def func_wrapper(name):
return "<strong>{0}</strong>".format(func(name))
return func_wrapper
def em_decorator(func):
def func_wrapper(name):
return "<em>{0}</em>".format(func(name))
return func_wrapper
def Greetings(name):
return "{0}".format(name)
If you mean two sides are 7 and two sides are 14 then you'd have 42
and for the second you'd have 14
7 + 7 = 14, 14 + 14 = 28, 14 + 28 = 42
3 + 3 = 6, 4 + 4 = 8, 8 + 6 = 14
R = distance
dr/dt speed or with a direction, velocity
d(dr/dt)/dt = the time derivative of the velocity is called acceleration.
Speed is a scalar. Acceleration is a vector.