There will not be enough momentum from the first hill to cross another hill if he same or larger size because of the way potential energy and kinetic energy works it will not be able go as high as it could go on he fist hill.
thanks again and have to go to the store and get some rest I will be there at puno my phone is not working and I have a few questions about the week and I have a few questions about the week and I have a few questions about the week and I have a few questions about the week and I have a few questions about the week and I have a few questions about the week and I have a few questions about the week and I have a few questions about the week and I have a few questions about the week and I have a few questions about you
Gold is more dense.
Gold sinks faster than lead. That's why gold is found in the bottom of a gold pan or river.
The answer to that would be A. the national organ transplant Act of 1984 the goals of the OPTN are to increase the number of and access to transplants, improve survival rates after transplantation, and to promote patient safety and efficient management of the system.