The speed of the sound for the adiabatic gas is 313 m/s
For adiabatic state gas, the speed of the sound c is calculated by the following expression:
Where R is the gas's particular constant defined in terms of Cp and Cv:
For particular values given:
The gamma undimensional constant is also expressed as a function of Cv and Cp:
And the variable T is the temperature in Kelvin. Thus for the known temperature:
The Jules unit can expressing by:
Replacing the new units for the speed of the sound:

- public class Main {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- String testString = "abscacd";
- String evenStr = "";
- String oddStr = "";
- for(int i=testString.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- if(i % 2 == 0){
- evenStr += testString.charAt(i);
- }
- else{
- oddStr += testString.charAt(i);
- }
- }
- System.out.println(evenStr + oddStr);
- }
- }
Firstly, let declare a variable testString to hold an input string "abscacd" (Line 1).
Next create another two String variable, evenStr and oddStr and initialize them with empty string (Line 5-6). These two variables will be used to hold the string at even index and odd index, respectively.
Next, we create a for loop that traverse the characters of the input string from the back by setting initial position index i to testString.length() - 1 (Line 8). Within the for-loop, create if and else block to check if the current index, i is divisible by 2, (i % 2 == 0), use the current i to get the character of the testString and join it with evenStr. Otherwise, join it with oddStr (Line 10 -14).
At last, we print the concatenated evenStr and oddStr (Line 18).
Go to explaination for the details of the answer.
In order to determine the lifetime (75 years) chronic daily exposure for each individual, we have to first state the terms of our equation:
CDI = Chronic Daily Intake
C= Chemical concentration
CR= Contact Rate
EFD= Exposure Frequency and Distribution
BW= Body Weight
AT = Average Time.
Having names our variables lets create the equations that will be used to derive our answers.
Please kindly check attachment for details of the answer.
(A) elemental, alloy, or compound thin films are deposited on to a bulk substrate
In film deposition there is process of depositing of material in form of thin films whose size varies between the nano meters to micrometers onto a surface. The material can be a single element a alloy or a compound.
This technology is very useful in semiconductor industries, in solar panels in CD drives etc
so from above discussion it is clear that option (a) will be the correct answer